Sunday, August 12, 2012

Can Obama Do It Again In 2012 Election

Can Obama Do It Again In 2012 Election Dr.Athiqul H. Laskar It is pretty obvious that Barrack Obama is slated to win in 2012 simply, because of Paul, Gingrich, Santorum, Perry and Romney. These candidates are no match for Obama and each one of them has some issue or the other that would surely not escape the attention of or impress the intelligent American public. Everyone’s hoping for GOP’s sake that this is not the final list of candidates and that someone would emerge ultimately as the dark horse and give Obama a run for his money. The public is not too happy with the rash comments made by Ron Paul on a FOX News debate a year before whereby, he announced that cocaine, marijuana, heroine, gay marriages and prostitution should be given legal status and recognition. The public however, is still having reservations on these issues so his straight forward comment has not gone down too well with the public. The common man in America would wish for discrimination against the Muslims and he does not support or even approve of homosexual marriages. Gingrich was favored over Herman Cain as Herman had some infidelity issues. Funnily enough, it makes us wonder why Gingrich got GOP support, when he is the man known for multiple infidelities in his past. He has a colorful past and has been married thrice till date. His first wife was his high school teacher. Post his first marriage, he was having an affair with his future second wife for quite sometime. He even seemed to have recklessly commented that his first wife was not young enough or for that matter, pretty enough to be a President’s wife and that she also, had cancer. Post his second marriage he went on to have an affair with a woman twenty three years younger to him. While investigating the perjury case against the then President, Bill Clinton, Gingrich himself was involved in extra-marital affair. He then got into wedlock with his much younger partner. You can definitely rest assured that the sensitive and intelligent American public cannot put their trust in a man, who is not faithful to the one, closest to his soul. Though Rick Santorum seemed to be the ideal candidate who had the potential to upset Obama, his problematic name did it. He was the man with the correct credentials; a 53 year old lawyer had been in high posts within the US Senate and the House of Representatives. In the year 2003 he had supported a bill that advocated that sodomy should be made illegal. He is accused of comparing homosexuality to adultery, bigamy and incest. A gay activist was infuriated over this and he went on to redefine the meaning of Santorum in his website. You could Google it and you would find the meaning, as the first and third result. Nobody would like to have a President with such a name. Again Mit Romney is a bad choice as he is a Mormon. The American public would be discouraged from voting for Mormons, who are said to believe, that Satan and Jesus are brothers and also, that women are supposed to be perpetually pregnant and that, any man can become God as God is actually, an exalted man. Americans are Jesus loving Christians obviously they would stay away from Romney, on religious grounds. None of these candidates are so-called bad politicians or bad Americans, but definitely they are not good enough to stand in opposition to Barrack Obama, who has a great personality, a clean character, a good marriage and a strong base of support. Though Barrack Obama has not really delivered as per expectations during his first term and some of his election promises still remain unfulfilled, he may not also win with the same margin, but no other chosen Republican candidate can hope to achieve the winning majority. Everyone is wondering if Barrack Obama will get another term as President. During his last term as the President Americans have witnessed rise in unemployment, faltering economy, ever rising gas prices and colossal accruing government debt. The American public in general is not too pleased with his performance, but he enjoys the support of the liberal media and he has the Wall Street campaign contributions in his bag. Though Obama enjoys the confidence of those in seats of power, some believe that the state is degenerating under his leadership. He is accused of taking half-hearted steps during the financial crisis and absolutely no concrete efforts were made to trace the perpetrators or sources of the fraud. Quantitative easing, bailouts were used to create a make believe world that would assure the common American that the recovery process was on. In reality however, destruction of the housing market, dollar, jobs and the economy in general continued. Terrorist threats are perpetuated due to irrational torture, indefinite detentions, body scanners, protest crackdowns and oppression and tyranny in this land known to uphold liberty and freedom. Barrack Obama had made several promises and interestingly, PolitiFact, a website that won the Pulitzer Prize, is said to have kept a record of each one of those commitments and their progress during the first year of the President in office. This website carried out a detailed research and found out, while going through speeches, debate transcripts and campaign documents, that Obama had made 500 promises. Further research revealed that he had fulfilled 91 promises, 31 promises were compromised on, 87 of them were stalled and 14 were broken. Rest of the promises were placed ‘in the works’’. On joining office Obama fulfilled his first promise and signed an executive order preventing lobbyists from participating in the administration of the government. Even political appointees were required to wait for a couple of years after quitting the administration before they could lobby. Obama also laid down rules whereby lobbyists were not allowed to serve on official commissions and boards. Obama summoned congressional leaders belonging to both the parties regularly for sessions and fruitful discussions and interactions on issues of foreign policy Afghanistan and Pakistan to Iraq and Sudan. Obama withdrew several special-interest tax loopholes and ambiguities in the existing oil and gas industry. He thus fulfilled promises that he had made at the time when these companies were acquiring massive profits from rising fuel prices. Obama also made an announcement in February that all combat forces would be withdrawn from Iraq within August 2010 and the rest of the troops still remaining, by the end of the year 2011. Obama’s much-publicized promise to “end the custom of writing legislation always behind closed doors” was badly challenged during his first year. He could not introduce any changes in the existing congressional rules. Though some committees held official meetings in public, major issues like the budget, Recovery Act, and even health-care reform were dealt with in private among top Democratic leaders and often in the absence of Republicans. Obama could not keep his promise of providing $1,000 worth emergency energy rebate. He could not take active steps to get labor more organized as per his promise. From India’s point of view though Obama has supported India’s aspirations of acquiring permanent membership in the UN Security Council, Obama’s declaration that there would be a drastic reduction in outsourcing may adversely affect the interest of Indian IT students. This would definitely imply a dip in employment opportunities in US or for that matter online job for Indians. So let’s keep our fingers crossed. (Feedback: Who’s Next in US – Obama or..? Dr Athiqul H. Laskar It is pretty obvious that Barrack Obama is slated to win in 2012 simply because of Paul, Gingrich, Santorum, Perry and Romney. These candidates are no match for Obama and each one of them has some issue or the other that would surely not escape the attention of or impress the intelligent American public. Everyone is hoping for GOP’s sake that this is not the final list of candidates and that someone would emerge ultimately as the dark horse and give Obama a run for his money. The public is not too happy with the rash comments made by Ron Paul on a FOX News debate a year before, whereby he announced that cocaine, marijuana, heroine, gay marriages and prostitution should be given legal status and recognition. The public, however, is still having reservations on these issues — so his straight forward comment has not gone down too well with the public. The common man in America would wish for discrimination against Muslims and he does not support or even approve of homosexual marriages. Gingrich was favoured over Herman Cain as Herman had some infidelity issues. Funnily enough, it makes us wonder why Gingrich got GOP support, when he is the man known for multiple infidelities in his past. He has a colourful past and has been married thrice till date. His first wife was his high school teacher. Post his first marriage, he was having an affair with his future second wife for quite some time. He even seemed to have recklessly commented that his first wife was not young enough or, for that matter, pretty enough to be a President’s wife and that she also had cancer. Post his second marriage, he went on to have an affair with a woman 23 years younger to him. While investigating the perjury case against the then President, Bill Clinton, Gingrich himself was involved in extra-marital affair. He then got into wedlock with his much younger partner. You can definitely rest assured that the sensitive and intelligent American public cannot put their trust in a man who is not faithful to the one closest to his soul. Though Rick Santorum seemed to be the ideal candidate who had the potential to upset Obama, his problematic name did it. He was the man with the correct credentials; a 53-year-old lawyer had been in high posts within the US Senate and the House of Representatives. In the year 2003 he had supported a bill that advocated that sodomy should be made illegal. He is accused of comparing homosexuality to adultery, bigamy and incest. A gay activist was infuriated over this and he went on to redefine the meaning of Santorum on his website. You could Google it and you would find the meaning, as the first and third result. Nobody would like to have a President with such a name. Again Mit Romney is a bad choice as he is a Mormon. The American public would be discouraged from voting for Mormons, who are said to believe that Satan and Jesus are brothers and also that women are supposed to be perpetually pregnant and that any man can become God as God is actually an exalted man. Americans are Jesus-loving Christians; obviously they would stay away from Romney on religious grounds. None of these candidates are so-called bad politicians or bad Americans, but definitely they are not good enough to stand in opposition to Barack Obama, who has a great personality, a clean character, a good marriage and a strong base of support. Though Barack Obama has not really delivered as per expectations during his first term and some of his election promises still remain unfulfilled, he may not also win with the same margin, but no other chosen Republican candidate can hope to achieve the winning majority. Everyone is wondering if Barack Obama will get another term as President. During his last term as the President, Americans have witnessed rise in unemployment, faltering economy, ever-rising gas prices and colossal accruing government debt. The American public in general is not too pleased with his performance, but he enjoys the support of the liberal media and he has the Wall Street campaign contributions in his bag. Though Obama enjoys the confidence of those in seats of power, some believe that the state is degenerating under his leadership. He is accused of taking half-hearted steps during the financial crisis, and absolutely no concrete efforts were made to trace the perpetrators or sources of the fraud. Quantitative easing and bailouts were used to create a make-believe world that would assure the common American that the recovery process was on. In reality, however, destruction of the housing market, dollar, jobs and the economy in general continued. Terrorist threats are perpetuated due to irrational torture, indefinite detentions, body scanners, protest crackdowns and oppression and tyranny in this land known to uphold liberty and freedom. Barack Obama had made several promises and interestingly, PolitiFact, a website that won the Pulitzer Prize, is said to have kept a record of each one of those commitments and their progress during the first year of the President in office. This website carried out a detailed research and found out, while going through speeches, debate transcripts and campaign documents, that Obama had made 500 promises. Further research revealed that he had fulfilled 91 promises, 31 promises were compromised on, 87 of them were stalled and 14 were broken. Rest of the promises were placed ‘in the works’’. On joining office Obama fulfilled his first promise and signed an executive order preventing lobbyists from participating in the administration of the government. Even political appointees were required to wait for a couple of years after quitting the administration before they could lobby. Obama also laid down rules whereby lobbyists were not allowed to serve on official commissions and boards. Obama summoned congressional leaders belonging to both the parties regularly for sessions and fruitful discussions and interactions on issues of foreign policy, Afghanistan and Pakistan to Iraq and Sudan. Obama withdrew several special-interest tax loopholes and ambiguities in the existing oil and gas industry. He thus fulfilled promises that he had made at the time when these companies were acquiring massive profits from rising fuel prices. Obama also made an announcement in February that all combat forces would be withdrawn from Iraq within August 2010 and the rest of the troops, still remaining, by the end of the year 2011. Obama’s much-publicized promise to “end the custom of writing legislation always behind closed doors” was badly challenged during his first year. He could not introduce any changes in the existing congressional rules. Though some committees held official meetings in public, major issues like the budget, Recovery Act, and even health-care reform were dealt with in private among top Democratic leaders and often in the absence of Republicans. Obama could not keep his promise of providing $1,000 worth emergency energy rebate. He could not take active steps to get labour more organized as per his promise. From India’s point of view, though Obama has supported India’s aspirations of acquiring permanent membership in the UN Security Council, his declaration that there would be a drastic reduction in outsourcing may adversely affect the interest of Indian IT students. This would definitely imply a dip in employment opportunities in the US or, for that matter, online jobs for Indians. So let us keep our fingers crossed. (Feedback:

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